Thursday, June 18, 2009

magic just came and looked at my animation. he said it was good that i'd got a lot in there, but he gave me loads and loads of comments, shot by shot, about things that weren't working, or needed tweaking, or just needed to be revamped altogether. it was the most comprehensive, constructive, and insightful set of feedback i'd received in a long time, since the steve taylor session. while all the while being really encouraging. i was really grateful to him , and glad that i came in early to, well, catch the worm. talking to him, i also realised how blessed i am to have my setup, my spot in the ant farm seems more and more perfect each day, and my schedule just right for me.

well, there's alot i need to work on now, mostly tweaking, cleaning up curves and taking care of lines of action-- but i'm excited about it. blocking in and timing scare me.. tweaking is my thing. i could clean up curves till kingdom come. in fact, i was just thinking the other day that i would quite like to get a job in mocap cleanup. some people think that is the most boring animation task possible, but i think i would love it! especially if it entailed makign motions smoother, exagerrating some parts a little, just making the lines of action better....

yup. things are going ok. praise the lord! he has given me all i need. :)


Posted by i confound myself at 5:51 pm