Saturday, September 23, 2006


met lots of random people at the airport today. mervyn, liangfa, amanda, eugene chiam, yanyun, and what looked like the whole GBC chinese youth congregation. all there independantly! looks like SQ 322 to london heathrow is one popular flight...

and mich of course, who was the reason for going to the airport in the first place. i'll miss you!! come to camb!

time is running out. pretty soon it will be me.



Posted by i confound myself at 5:22 pm

Friday, September 22, 2006

the sun in my eyes

sometimes, i think, god, why do you make things so hard for me?

but i trust that god knows best. i know that in seeming to make things hard for me, he has and is continuing to save me from headaches and heartaches that i now, thankfully, may never need to know.


Posted by i confound myself at 9:20 am

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

forbidden city is great! i think s'porean musicals are really pretty respectable. the last one i watched was chang and eng, or was it they're playing our song.. well, both were very much up to scratch in their own way-- tho the former much more than the latter. i enjoyed all three tho

its a story about a story. how people really rely on the often unreliable fellow human beings and the channels of communication that they operate -- writing, painting, art, speech-- to determine their stories and hence their identities. and conversely, to determine their perception of people and things, and basically to shape their whole worldview. when you think about it, its really scary. you mean, we're content to allow something so personal and so fundamental to the definition of who we are, to rest so completely in the hands of mere humans who are just as fallible, undependable, malicious, selfish and inadequate as we are? how can that be? and yet, it is. the show made me think about this. that even as we were watching what put itself out to be the actual and true version of what happened, (as opposed to the decietfulness and expediency of journalism, or the inadequacy and of painting/visual art in its silence and openness to manipulation) who's to say that the show wasn't itself a distortion of the facts? oh, there'll never be an actual version of a thing once the thing is over, i think. even eyewitnesses can never give an objective record. thats one of the things that occured to me in the show too-- that the record-keepers (hossan leong and some other dude whose face i just couldn't see from my fantastic 32 buck seat), were essentially just clowns.


Posted by i confound myself at 5:43 pm

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

chillipadi goes baylene!

i'm so excited. we're going to baylene !!!

mich and i took some of our stuff to the shop today. the lightbulbs and the computer parts and the stamps all laid out on that dark wood table. carol talked about which stuff would move, and how fast, and who the likely buyers would be. apparantly, there are 2 categories of customers-- the older, working professionals, and the younger, more edgy group like fashion students, designers, stylists and media types. apparantly, the media types would like lightbulbs. especially ones that are changeable. especially if they are somehow black. (at this point-- does anyone know where to procure throwaway computer components? colored LED lights?? and what are those things called hat look like square millipedes which fit into the little green board that goes into a CPU?? i'm tired of looking like, and in fact, being, a bimbo in sim lim towers)

we looked at the other labels that the shop was hosting. i kept looking at the big, gangly looking plant in front of the stack of Juice, and thinking what a fantastic day this was.

i can't believe that this has happened. its a little victory, and i know that alot of it's due to the fact that we've stuck this thing out longer than alot of other people who started with it. auntie audrey needs a big treat. without her, like i told mich, we wouldn't have been able to keep up with any of this.

god needs a big treat. he plans everything perfectly. his timing and placement are... designer.


Posted by i confound myself at 6:01 pm

Saturday, September 02, 2006

36 meatballs

met the nj council gang today. it was nice to see everyone, all looking the same. we had the usual alroy chan family fun, osbourne style. alroy cooked spaghetti and meatballs (why not meat stars? meat hearts?), and it was good. we sat around arguing about how to spell memento (ok you're right), listening to random stories about encounters with blood on the street, extreme chinese cuisine, and where to break into next. it was just like in the good old days.


Posted by i confound myself at 6:22 pm