Sunday, May 22, 2005

59th street bridge song (feelin' groovy)


i finally got the simon and garfunkle cd! by legal means. maybe someday i will really stop doing stupid things like "file sharing". its damn sad that the artists we rip the most are the ones we like most. but too bad. i wonder if, if you do ip law, you will feel compelled to stop doing such things?

did i tell you why i like simon and garfunkle? because the first song i heard, i am a rock, i thought it was really funny. that was when i was in sec one and they used it to teach us literature. metaphors. girls, is the singer really a rock, or is he using a meh-ta-fer? and secondly, because i like the name art garfunkle. gar-funk-kkkkle. so i always imagined art garfunkkle as a rock, one of those soft, lumpy grey ones with really big cranky mouths and toggle eyes, like on sesame street. and when they harmonize its like a whole mountain of these rocks are opening their collective cracks and warbling in unison. if i could i would draw it out for you. but i can't, cos this is a computer and i've yet to figure out how to put my pencil drawings on the computer when my scanner is broken.


Posted by i confound myself at 10:20 am

Saturday, May 21, 2005

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Posted by i confound myself at 6:36 am

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


i managed to create a link ! without even referring to Teach Yourself HTML In A Weekend! (Don't ask me where the links links to)


Posted by i confound myself at 7:55 am


i've just had a very nice lunch. a muffin, salad with cherry tomatoes, banana milk, banana, and that nice crunchy fruit with lots of water and no taste. yum. yu lin, who was eating, no drinking, something that i'd very much like to try ( vanilla protein milkshake, drink it and you don't need to eat anything else), reminded me of pret a manger. salmon and rocket sandwich. yummilicious! i think i'm very easy to satisfy, actually. in terms of day to day stuff. food, clothes, setup, whatever. i don't neccesarily care alot about all that. but on other things i'm really, really picky and will never be satisfied till i get it exactly right. which, of course, keeps me very busy.

i see another semi-meal on the way. i've been having alot of semi-meals lately-- when left to my own devices i do that. having semi-meals in singapore is nowhere as fun as having semi-meals in london; in london it can almost be an activity in itself. or maybe it just feels that way cos i was on holiday. tonight i have to stay in office till clarence comes in at 7, which means we'll probably be here till 830 at least. sigh. and i miss my dinner with mich leong and peiling.


Posted by i confound myself at 7:30 am

Tuesday, May 17, 2005



wow the resolution is bad as hell. maybe i should really use flickr.


Posted by i confound myself at 4:39 pm

project sunrise


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ok i know charity begins at home. but meanwhile life has to go on. support the project.


Posted by i confound myself at 4:30 pm

inordinately serious thoughts

i've been spending so much time blogging on behalf of Amy Lim Ai Mee that I've hardly had any time to document my own life. which is something of a pity, because so many more things have been happening to me in the past few days than to her. all she's done is create alot, alot of accounts on places like flickr, asiansinglesconnect, icq lite, limewire, ebay, sms ac. and all sorts of other bewildering virtual locations. its quite funny that a techie idiot like me is being made to act as a total tech guru, and under a false identity too, but it all goes to show how easy it is to be someone totally different online. imaginary friends. faceless dates. the whole dodgy yet intriguing array. its kinda fun, in a way. there are no stakes, no opportunity costs, and as long as you don't involve any part of the real you in it ( that's the hard part), no risks.

unlike real life, which, for me at least, is totally shot through with opportunity costs. happy problems, i would call them on happy days. but on normal days they are just problems. i always knew that it's not a wise idea to go throwing your time and money and worst of all, thought, at things you don't really want, just so you'll have the biggest possible spread at the end of the day. but greed always wins over. it gets almost depressing, the more i think about it.

and i think about it alot. or rather, i spend an inordinate amount of time with it on my mind, but not neccessarily thinking productively about it. most of the time i'm just wallowing in what a big problem i have and how i'll never solve it. the de bono thing is right. the intelligence trap. even though i;m not that intelligent, i'm exasperatingly good at convincing myself and everyone around me about what i think at the moment. and so every argument in every single direction makes so much sense that i don't know which one to choose.

the answer, of course, is to just stop thinking and do. since every argument makes sense then it means that every argument has its good points and hence there is little to lose. i find it hard to compare opportunity costs because the conditions are simply so different. maybe the thing to consider is the TIMING of the opp cost. what is the next best alternative that i am sacrificing, which i will NEVER AT ANY POINT IN THE FUTURE be in similar or better position to enjoy?


Posted by i confound myself at 2:55 am