Thursday, June 18, 2009

magic just came and looked at my animation. he said it was good that i'd got a lot in there, but he gave me loads and loads of comments, shot by shot, about things that weren't working, or needed tweaking, or just needed to be revamped altogether. it was the most comprehensive, constructive, and insightful set of feedback i'd received in a long time, since the steve taylor session. while all the while being really encouraging. i was really grateful to him , and glad that i came in early to, well, catch the worm. talking to him, i also realised how blessed i am to have my setup, my spot in the ant farm seems more and more perfect each day, and my schedule just right for me.

well, there's alot i need to work on now, mostly tweaking, cleaning up curves and taking care of lines of action-- but i'm excited about it. blocking in and timing scare me.. tweaking is my thing. i could clean up curves till kingdom come. in fact, i was just thinking the other day that i would quite like to get a job in mocap cleanup. some people think that is the most boring animation task possible, but i think i would love it! especially if it entailed makign motions smoother, exagerrating some parts a little, just making the lines of action better....

yup. things are going ok. praise the lord! he has given me all i need. :)


Posted by i confound myself at 5:51 pm

Friday, October 26, 2007

so i'm a future joiner, how about that! well, tonight was really fun, i must say. it was a little bit more than the usual corporate schmoozling that you'd expect. it was actually exciting to meet the people i'm gonna be working with. i really like the other future joiners-- the law cohort is huge and i far from know everyone, but based on the small pool of people i know, the ones who are joining links are just the ones i'd choose.

i managed to talk to someone that encouraged me to take a gap year too, telling me that banks are practically falling over themselves to lend money to people with training contracts, in the hopes that they'll keep banking with them after they become big shot lawyers. i don't want to go into debt, but if someone wants to lend me money and there's no other way, i guess i will! i really want to do this gap year; i know i will regret it if i don't, and if its expensive well that's what i'm doing this job for, to get paid shitloads so i can do the things i want!

i also went to a lecture by jack straw today. it wasn't great, i must say. there was just the expected politically correct talk flying around. he is very much against repealing the HRA. i agree- i think it would just be hell of a lot of trouble for no good reason. basically, it'll all come back down to the same thing- they'll replace the HRA and the ECHR with a UK bill which will essentially do exactly the same things the ECHR ( i mean, how creative can you really be with fundamental rights??!?), and it would end up being interpreted in light of ECHR jurisprudence, and it will just be new and costly legislation taking the LC's attention away from other things only to yield no significant substantive change.

i am looking forward to the weekend. i've worked bloody hard this week. my subjects aren't hard, but i had loads of essays and its the whole 'getting into the subject" thing-- it does take more to warm up the engine. now that i'm properly into most things now (except equity, which i really can't make head or tail of, really, and am just glad that nolan is superb and there might, at some point, be a light at the end of the tunnel), i'm actually really enjoying things and getting to think about things more.


Posted by i confound myself at 1:16 am

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


today is the day of crawford’s ultimatum. Soon I have to face the unenviable task of sending a reminder to Lehman, to give us 10,000GBP. Well, they could give that to me. I never saw how he was so confident of them giving us this money. Perhaps they’ve just thrown the thing in the bin, thinking it was a prank. But last night, I suddenly decided that no matter how ludicrious this whole thing turns out to be, I have to stick with it till the end. I’m gonna throw it all in with this. I have to make it work, this ship won’t sink while I’m on it.


Posted by i confound myself at 10:21 pm

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

This Other Eden

i am simply swamped in work. what i thought to be the whole of supervision 1's work turned out to be, to my horror, one 6th of it. just how FAST does elliiot think people can read???!! i mean, he's a great supervisor and an absolute constitutional genius and everything, but HELLO!

in general though, My 1st wk back in cambrridge has been quite as expected. I’m already enjoying myself a lot more than last year, because I know what to do and what not to, and don’t waste my time and effort majoring the minors. The highlight of the week has been, of course, experiencing the joys of flat living, which, I suppose expectedly, has turned out to be a completely different balll game from living alone. Already, I can sense that there’ll be problems and I’m going to need an extra measure of sensitivity, tolerance and wisdom. Its going to be challenging, but well, that’s what flat life is like I guess. I think that as a whole, I chose pretty well, and of course living in a flat is a wonderful thing that I can tell I’ll really miss next year. Last night aran and lucy came over; we all sat in the lounge and chatted till1am, and it was nice and communal. jon's cooking tonight and I await in a mixture of excitement and dreading anticipation to see what he puts on the table.

this afternoon i met with some of the Camb isec bunch at newnham. Its really cool to see everyone in Cambridge. I can’t wait for this weekend, when the oxfordians come and we go to delirious. It will be great.

I miss the US bunch a lot though. I really want to meet up with them. can’t wait to go to the US next term.


Posted by i confound myself at 11:34 pm

Saturday, September 23, 2006


met lots of random people at the airport today. mervyn, liangfa, amanda, eugene chiam, yanyun, and what looked like the whole GBC chinese youth congregation. all there independantly! looks like SQ 322 to london heathrow is one popular flight...

and mich of course, who was the reason for going to the airport in the first place. i'll miss you!! come to camb!

time is running out. pretty soon it will be me.



Posted by i confound myself at 5:22 pm

Friday, September 22, 2006

the sun in my eyes

sometimes, i think, god, why do you make things so hard for me?

but i trust that god knows best. i know that in seeming to make things hard for me, he has and is continuing to save me from headaches and heartaches that i now, thankfully, may never need to know.


Posted by i confound myself at 9:20 am

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

forbidden city is great! i think s'porean musicals are really pretty respectable. the last one i watched was chang and eng, or was it they're playing our song.. well, both were very much up to scratch in their own way-- tho the former much more than the latter. i enjoyed all three tho

its a story about a story. how people really rely on the often unreliable fellow human beings and the channels of communication that they operate -- writing, painting, art, speech-- to determine their stories and hence their identities. and conversely, to determine their perception of people and things, and basically to shape their whole worldview. when you think about it, its really scary. you mean, we're content to allow something so personal and so fundamental to the definition of who we are, to rest so completely in the hands of mere humans who are just as fallible, undependable, malicious, selfish and inadequate as we are? how can that be? and yet, it is. the show made me think about this. that even as we were watching what put itself out to be the actual and true version of what happened, (as opposed to the decietfulness and expediency of journalism, or the inadequacy and of painting/visual art in its silence and openness to manipulation) who's to say that the show wasn't itself a distortion of the facts? oh, there'll never be an actual version of a thing once the thing is over, i think. even eyewitnesses can never give an objective record. thats one of the things that occured to me in the show too-- that the record-keepers (hossan leong and some other dude whose face i just couldn't see from my fantastic 32 buck seat), were essentially just clowns.


Posted by i confound myself at 5:43 pm